在星期天的早上的英文?peace and renewal.”(星期天的早晨總是給我一種平靜和更新的感覺。)總的來說,“Sunday morning”是一個簡單而實用的英文短語,用于描述一個特定的時間點和它所承載的各種文化和個人意義。無論是在日常對話中還是在書面表達中,這個短語都能夠幫助人們準確、生動地傳達自己的意思。那么,在星期天的早上的英文?一起來了解一下吧。
這里可以用句型see sb doing sth看見某人正在做某事。翻譯: My good friend and I saw(過去時態) an old woman going upstairs with a heavy luggage on Sunday morning.
On the morning of Sunday,My friend and I saw a granny going upstairs with heavy luggage.
On Sunday morning, my good friend and I saw an old lady walking up the stairs with heavy luggage
可以翻譯為: My friend and I saw a granny going upstair with very heavy luggage on Sunday morning.
看見某人正在做某事: see sb. doing sth.
On Sunday morning, my good friend and I saw an old woman carrying heavy luggage up the stairs。
see somebody doing something.看見某人正在做某事
luggage 行李
stairs 樓梯
以上就是在星期天的早上的英文的全部內容,On Sunday morning, my good friend and I saw an old woman carrying heavy luggage up the stairs。